List of Scientific Production
Bonnamour A., Rocabert, C., Fenet, S., Garnas, J., Kaufmann, B., & Gippet, J. M. W. (2023). Human-mediated dispersal predicts spatial patterns of genetic differentiation at regional scale. In preparation.
Destour, G., Kaufmann, B., Centanni, J., Tauru, H., Gippet, J. M. W., Dumet, A., Doums, C., Labacci, A., Lucas, A., Vergnes, A., Blatrix, R., & Javal, M. (2024). Genetic tracing reveals the role of ornamental plant trade in the simultaneous spread of three invasive ant species in Western Europe. In preparation
Cayuela, H., Gippet, J. M. W., […], & Lena, J-P. (2024). Eco-evolutionary drivers of the remarkable variability of amphibian adult survival. In preparation.
Gippet, J. M. W., Schweizer, M., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2024). Invasive and zoonotic species predominate in the global wildlife trade. In preparation.
Gippet, J. M. W.,, Carlson, C. J., Klaftenberger, T., Schweizer, M., Bertelsmeier, C. (2025). Wildlife trade drives animal-to-human pathogen transmission over 40 years. bioRxiv
Rocabert, C., Fenet, S., Kaufmann, B., & Gippet, J. M. W. (2023). Accounting for the topology of road networks to better explain human-mediated dispersal in terrestrial landscapes Ecography, e07068.
Gippet, J. M. W., Bates, O. K., Moulin, J., &Bertelsmeier, C. (2023). The global risk of infectious disease emergence from giant land snail invasion and pet trade. Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), 363.
Cayuela, H., Gaillard, J.-M., Vieira, C., Ronget, V., Gippet, J. M. W., Conde García, T., Marais, G. A. B., & Lemaître, J.-F. (2023). Sex differences in adult lifespan and aging rate across mammals: A test of the 'Mother Curse hypothesis'. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 212, 111799.
Gippet, J. M. W., Sherpa, Z., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2023). Reliability of social media data in monitoring the global pet trade in ants. Conservation Biology, 37(3), e13994.
Moreno, I., Gippet, J. M. W., Fumagalli, L., & Stephenson, P. J. (2023). Factors affecting the availability of data on East African wildlife: The monitoring needs of conservationists are not being met. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32(1), 249-273.
Cayuela, H., Monod-Broca, B., Lemaître, J.-F., Besnard, A., Gippet, J. M. W., Schmidt, B. R., Romano, A., Hertach, T., Angelini, C., Canessa, S., Rosa, G., Vignoli, L., Venchi, A., Carafa, M., Giachi, F., Tiberi, A., Hantzschmann, A. M., Sinsch, U., Tournier, E., … Léna, J.-P. (2022). Compensatory recruitment allows amphibian population persistence in anthropogenic habitats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(38), e2206805119.
Gippet, J. M. W., Rocabert, C., Colin, T., Grangier, J., Tauru, H., Dumet, A., Mondy, N., & Kaufmann, B. (2022). The observed link between urbanization and invasion can depend on how invasion is measured. Diversity and Distributions, 28(6), 1171-1179.
Cayuela, H., Dorant, Y., Forester, B. R., Jeffries, D. L., Mccaffery, R. M., Eby, L. A., Hossack, B. R., Gippet, J. M. W., Pilliod, D. S., & Chris Funk, W. (2022). Genomic signatures of thermal adaptation are associated with clinal shifts of life history in a broadly distributed frog. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(6), 1222-1238.
Gippet, J. M. W., George, L., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2022). Local coexistence of native and invasive ant species is associated with micro-spatial shifts in foraging activity. biological invasions, 24(3), 761-773.
Cayuela, H., Lemaître, J.-F., Muths, E., McCaffery, R. M., Frétey, T., Le Garff, B., Schmidt, B. R., Grossenbacher, K., Lenzi, O., Hossack, B. R., Eby, L. A., Lambert, B. A., Elmberg, J., Merilä, J., Gippet, J. M. W., Gaillard, J.-M., & Pilliod, D. S. (2021). Thermal conditions predict intraspecific variation in senescence rate in frogs and toads. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(49), e2112235118.
Secondi, J., Mondy, N., Gippet, J. M. W., Touzot, M., Gardette, V., Guillard, L., & Lengagne, T. (2021). Artificial light at night alters activity, body mass, and corticosterone level in a tropical anuran. Behavioral Ecology, 32(5), 932-940.
Bonnamour, A., Gippet, J. M. W., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2021). Insect and plant invasions follow two waves of globalisation. Ecology Letters, 24(11), 2418-2426.
Gippet, J. M. W., Colin, T., Grangier, J., Winkler, F., Haond, M., Dumet, A., Tragust, S., Mondy, N., & Kaufmann, B. (2021). Land-cover and climate factors contribute to the prevalence of the ectoparasitic fungus Laboulbenia formicarum in its invasive ant host Lasius neglectus. Fungal Ecology, 51, 101045.
Gippet, J. M. W., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2021). Invasiveness is linked to greater commercial success in the global pet trade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(14), e2016337118.
Bujan, J., Charavel, E., Bates, O. K., Gippet, J. M. W., Darras, H., Lebas, C., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2021). Increased acclimation ability accompanies a thermal niche shift of a recent invasion. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(2), 483-491.
Cayuela, H., Prunier, J. G., Laporte, M., Gippet, J. M. W., Boualit, L., Guérold, F., Laurent, A., Foletti, F., & Jacob, G. (2021). Demography, genetics, and decline of a spatially structured population of lekking bird. Oecologia, 195(1), 117-129.
Charrier, N. P., Hervet, C., Bonsergent, C., Charrier, M., Malandrin, L., Kaufmann, B., & Gippet, J. M. W. (2020). Invasive in the North: New latitudinal record for Argentine ants in Europe. Insectes Sociaux, 67(2), 331-335.
Gippet, J. M. W., Liebhold, A. M., Fenn-Moltu, G., & Bertelsmeier, C. (2019). Human-mediated dispersal in insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 35, 96-102.
Gippet, J. M. W., Piola, F., Rouifed, S., Viricel, M.-R., Puijalon, S., Douady, C. J., & Kaufmann, B. (2018). Multiple invasions in urbanized landscapes: Interactions between the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus and Japanese knotweeds (Fallopia spp.). Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 12(3), 351-360.
Gippet, J. M. W., Mondy, N., Diallo-Dudek, J., Bellec, A., Dumet, A., Mistler, L., & Kaufmann, B. (2017). I'm not like everybody else: Urbanization factors shaping spatial distribution of native and invasive ants are species-specific. Urban Ecosystems, 20(1), 157-169.