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Communication, Outreach And Press

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Conferences & Seminars

Past and upcoming presentations at invited seminars & conferences


Gippet JMW, Schweizer M & Bertelsmeier C.
Invasive and zoonotic species predominate in the global wildlife trade

TiBE 2023 international conference, Vila do Conde (Portugal).

Gippet JMW, Sherpa Z, Gutierrez L, Arvela Cardona C & Bertelsmeier C.
Les fourmis, de nouveaux animaux de compagnie... envahissants.

IUSSI-sf 2023, Toulouse (France).

Gippet JMW
Socio-ecological traps in the global wildlife trade

Invited seminar - LEHNA seminars, University of Lyon (France)


Gippet JMW, Sherpa Z & Bertelsmeier C.
Are social media data reliable for monitoring emerging pet trades

INTECOL 2022 international conference, Geneva (Switzerland).


Gippet JMW & Bertelsmeier C.
When pests become pets: invasive species are favoured in the global pet trade.

Invited seminar - Biology and diseases of wild animals - Lectures series - University of Zurich (Switzerland).


Gippet JMW & Bertelsmeier C.
Invasiveness increases commercial success in the global pet trade.

Invited seminar - Journée suisse des Hyménoptères 2020, Berne (Switzerland).


Gippet JMW, Keller L & Bertelsmeier C.
The online pet trade disperses highly invasive ant species and potential future invaders.

ESA 2019 international conference, Louisville, Kentucky (USA).


Gippet JMW & Bertelsmeier C.
New opportunities for future ant invasions: Global trade in living ants as non-traditional pets.

Invited seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland).


Gippet JMW, Mondy N, Dumet A, Henri H, Gibert P, Ślipiński P, Pomorski JJ, Kowalewska K, Kaufmann B.
Phenotypic shifts between urban and rural conspecifics: Responses to urbanization in the ant Lasius niger.

Poster, BioEnviS, Lyon (France).

Gippet JMW, Fenet S, Dumet A, Kaufmann B & Rocabert C.
MoRIS: Model of Routes of Invasive Spread. Human-mediated dispersal, road network and invasion parameters.

IENE 2016 international conference, Lyon (France).


Gippet JMW, Dumet A, Mondy N & Kaufmann B.
Impact de l'urbanisation sur la composition des communautés de fourmis.

IUSSI-sf 2015, Tours (France).

Gippet JMW, Rocabert C, Fenet S, Dumet A & Kaufmann B.
Modeling human mediated spread at the landscape scale: road network and invasion parameters. The example of the Invasive ant Lasius neglectus.

RMA 2015 international conference, Bordeaux (France).


Gippet JMW, Rocabert C & Kaufmann B.
Modéliser la propagation d'origine humaine à l'échelle du paysage : réseau routier et paramètres d'invasion.

Colloque de lancement du GdR InvaBio, Rennes (France).


Education & Public Outreach

From citizen science activities to theatre performances

International tour 2020-2023

Actor (as a mymecologist) in the theater piece "Société en Chantier"
by Stephan Kaegi
Théâtre de Vidy
(~40 representations in Clermont-Ferrand, Mulhouse, Lille, Chambéry, Lausanne, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Rennes)
  Learn more


Journée "Oser tous les Métiers" (JOM)
University of Lausanne


Climate change awareness-raising on Lausanne's market
3 events, Lausanne

2019, 2021

Mystères de l'UNIL
Ants-related activities for 7-10 yo, Lausanne   Watch the video


Sauvageons en ville
Urban conference on ants, Lausanne   Learn more


Opération Fourmis
Ant collecting tutorial, Lausanne   Learn more


Online and paper press articles


Heimliche Herrscher : Wie Ameisen die Welt Erobern
Natur Magazin (in German, July 2023)   See the cover


Article in The Conversation
Online only


Die Kolonie im Wohnzimmer
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (in German)   Read the article online


Does The Global Exotic Pet Trade Favor Invasive Pests?
Forbes (online only)   Read the article online


Invasion de fourmis dans un village d'Ardèche
Ouest France (in French)   Read the article online
Radio, what's new?


Talking about exotic invertebrate pets on the radio


RTS Radio Télévision Suisse - "CQFD"
Les effets du commerce d'espèces animales invasives - Brèves
  Listen the article online


RTS Radio Télévision Suisse - "Temps présent"
Nouvel animal de compagnie en Suisse, l'escargot géant n'est pas si inoffensif
  Listen and read the article online